Friday, March 05, 2010
Time Jockey
Beyond the state of perpetual fear comes the steadiness of discipline applied over time. Repetition is how we perfect our masterpiece of life. We become an evolving work of art ripe for play at every moment. As we see the road ahead of us, we plan as needed without getting caught up in the process. We learn to focus intently and dissolve our overlays by taming our mind. Time is our friend always moving us into fresh situations. As we receive these gifts each day we take advantage by engaging in the actions that we have discovered mean the most to us.
Afraid for our lives
Fear paralyzes action or causes you to commit foolhardy ones. We can’t get hampered by our fears as we move forth in our search for the building blocks in the chain of our life. Each interconnected moment unfurling before our eyes needs to be treated with a gentle crispness that is not bogged down in the muck of fear. The way to work with our fear is to begin noticing when it arises. We can see it come to us like a tug inside, making us scared about some thing or another. This is the crucial moment when we begin loosening our habitual patterns and break into more expansive territory. The jockey rides with his horse as one similar to a hand in a glove and this is how you must ride your emotions. Be one with the fluctuations all the while not identifying too strongly with its projections. The stairway that presents itself before you will reward for your efforts but it this is no great concern of yours. You move into this gradual awakening with insights that form the very marrow of your life. Once you move into this arena like a gladiator fighting his way towards knowing there is no turning back. The only difference is that this is a peaceful journey and the arena is open space.
Find the Others
As an only child I became unnecessarily independent. I also became shy and selective about whom I opened up to, generally not trusting people, while still maintaining a fundamental trust even through continual disappointments. Then I realized I don’t have to make it alone. There are so many people out there and resources at my disposal that it is foolish to trudge out in the world alone. Chogyam Trungpa talks about building a court similar to the fashion of royalty with you as the king or queen, with a general, a minister, a steed, and so on. Public Enemy exemplified this court principle with their collective of Chuck D, Flavor-Flav, Terminator X, S1W’s, The Bomb Squad, Harry Allen (Media Assassin), Professor Griff. One not only doesn’t need to go forth alone, but if they are ever going to rise beyond the limits of mere survival and start manifesting their full potential they must gain the support of others. How do we build the links to our chain in this chaotic world?
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