Thursday, October 25, 2012

Small Things Become Big Things

Many times when we set out on projects we can overwhelm ourselves by biting off more than we can chew. We blow ourselves up with frustration before we have a chance to successfully move forward by taking on more than we can handle. That is why starting with small changes makes more sense at first, rather than taking on the big shifts above our horizon. This is exactly what David Allen says, the creator of the productivity system GTD which stands for Getting Things Done. He turned much of the accepted practices of the time management community on its head by focusing on the mundane aspects of our world first as opposed the "pie in the sky" factors in our lives. He proposed that in the other top down systems where people's overarching lifetime goals and big picture concerns became the starting point were actually causing people to encounter things they weren't yet ready to handle. He teaches that we need to "clear the decks" of "the runway" aspects of our lives before we can graduate to the higher levels.

It is this very idea that joyfully helped reinvigorate a writing project of mine that I have been working on for varying degrees over the last 7 years. Similarly to how he tells the story I couldn't get my arms around the breadth of the project because I still hadn't been able to plant my feet firmly on the ground in the present with my day to day concerns. This block is quickly becoming dislodged as I earnestly implement his system. About an hour ago I managed to sit down and type out a rough draft of the introduction for this book with little effort or pain. It amazed me to see the words that seemed so hard to come by flying out of me with ease. I am so excited as I come face to face with the genius of working with my lifetime aspirations in this brilliantly organic and profound manner, and I can't wait to see how it informs the rest of my life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Creative Mind Success

The following is a summary of the Ernest Holmes book, Creative Mind and Success. It is a combination of my own words and his. I originally took notes on this book which is in the public domain in August and today felt compelled to craft them into the summary you see here. I know that with the proper application of your thought process you will find this summary of value.

We are all surrounded by an atmosphere of thought. As we conform our lives to a greater understanding of this basic principle we will bring into our experience what we wish, let go of what we don't want to experience, and take in the things we desire. In order to do this we must only speak and think words that we wish to create. We must not think, speak, read, or listen to limitation of any kind. It is also important not to dwell on past mistakes. We are better served learning forgiveness of ourselves and others.

Know that you are a success now and that nothing can hinder you from accomplishing your good. Like weeding a garden it is your charge to eliminate all negative thoughts, false beliefs, and any ideas of limitation. See only what you wish to experience and declare that you are in union with Infinite Mind. You attract what you first become in your mind, and feel to be reality. It is imperative that you hold this one pointedly, and with ease.

Learn to love everyone, and send this thought out to the entire world. Refuse to see the negative side of anyone. Know that everyone wants you to have the best. Continue to affirm this everywhere you go and you will find things just as you wish them. By controlling your thoughts you can have and do what you wish to have and do. The creative flow is for you to use but not to possess.

Thinking sets into motion creative power which from an idea sets the path in motion. Learn to use this for a definite purpose, and speak it forth. Don't just see what you desire, know you "are" what you think. When looking for next steps wait in silence expectantly as the inner power supplies you with good. Know the power of words, they are sacred.

Pray with conviction as if you already possess what you need. Have a received attitude, and once again do this single pointedly clearing your mind of any separation from the Divine Mind. We all are better served applying more backbone and less wishbone to our daily lives.

Imagine yourself surrounded by a mind so receptive that it receives the slightest impression of your thoughts. Feel that every thought is received and acted upon. Center on what you want to become, what you want to accomplish, and then keep it to yourself. Say, "I am that thing" many time a day, and develop a perfect mental picture of it. Do not feel it is ever too late to start. Know that life is consciousness and is not contingent on years.

Every day give to the great Creative Mind exactly what you want to happen by seeing only what you desire, while in the silence of your soul speaking it and then it will be done unto you. Money is an effect so in order to acquire it we must find its cause which is consciousness, thus we must acquire a money consciousness. Do not be fooled into thinking of money as material, it is spiritual. Make our unity with supply by daily that all the power in the universe is bringing to us all we can use. Feel this presence of supply, and know that it is yours now. Realize your omnipotent power, speak it forth, and feel that it responds to you. Whenever you see that someone has more than you, at once affirm that you have as much as them. Whenever you see anything big say, "That means me." In this way you learn to unify with the law.

All activity comes from the mind, and doesn't mean that it comes with struggle. We must learn to comply with the Law of Activity. Use this law in our business by constantly remaining in motion. Action is life so stay alert and apply mental awareness which precedes physical activity. Think while you work, move with confidence, and a sense of Supreme Guidance to make you work more intelligently. Stay out of ruts, remain fresh. Be interested in life if you want life to be interested in you. Act in life and life will act through you.

In order to receive from the infinite, first quiet your mind within yourself and without any confusion from outward appearance. Do not be disturbed by effects. Realize the presence of Absolute Intelligence surrounding you as a mind that knows. Second get a clear picture of what you desire, and put your mind in touch with the Universal Mind saying precisely what you are waiting for. Ask for it, believe you are receiving it, and wait for it to arrive. After a few minutes declare that you now know even if it may seem that you don't. Give thanks for receiving this knowing. Do this every day until you find the direction you are seeking. A good time to do this practice is right before you go to sleep so that your subconscious has an opportunity to work on your declaration. When the direction arrives act on it with conviction, and prefect assurance.

Proceed with self-reliance by listening to your own voice and holding to your principal witness. We can't demonstrate life beyond our mental ability to embody our thoughts. We must create the mental equivalent inside us before we can hope to create it in the outside world. Destroy old thoughts with new thoughts. Know that limited thinking has no place in your mind. Sit and realize you are the center of Divine Attraction, and that all good things are coming to you. Feel your power within going out as you draw back in all that you need. Stick with this process even if you don't see immediate results.

Ask yourself, "Do I really want this thing I ask for?", "Am I willing to take for myself what I ask of other people?" When an undesired thing happens drop it, forgive ourselves, and start fresh, never to think about it again. Realize everyone is your friend by exercising absolute forgiveness and eliminating any sense of limitation. See only good never evil.

Every victory strengthens you. You will no longer have to say, "I hope" or "I believe" but will utter, "I know." Follow these instructions with absolute belief. Work on these things alone unless you are completely certain that those you are working with are in harmony with us. In order to attract larger things we must think larger thoughts. This is why we must work every day to expand our thoughts. Get a hold of the biggest thing and claim it as your own.

Always be gathering more, expecting more, and never allowing for small thoughts. Keep the main thing in your mind, and destroy all thoughts you don't wish to experience. Know "I AM," and that "All is Well." Never again say, "I fear" but instead say, "I trust"

In order to achieve prosperity hold or think of your product or service and declare into the only mind that they will accomplish that for which they are sent out. Know that every word written on them is truth, and that they carry their own conviction. See your products reaching their location with gladness, and interest. Declare this as NOW, and feel it to be true. Mentally assert that they will reach their destination safely and benefit the receiver. When the word is spoken always feel that the mind at once takes it up and never fails to act upon it.

Guard you mind by knowing that no negativity or thoughts of limitation can enter. Clothe yourself in the great realization that all power is yours. Fill the atmosphere of your homes and businesses with streams of positive thought. As you do this you will invite others in and continually draw in only the best.

When surrounded by inactivity, mentally see and declare that you are in the midst of activity. Feel this to be true, and mentally see the pace as being busy. Declare and see that your word perpetually draws in fullness. Stop all striving and struggle within your soul by knowing the truth and absolutely trusting.

To bring people into your life unite with the principle of life, not people. This is called working from the center. Realize life is your friend, and feel the Divine Companionship. Always be cheerful and do not allow your feelings to be hurt. Humanity is what they think they are. Big thoughts yield big things. Through thinking believe in truth, and what you wish to have returned to you. Eliminate negative thoughts and hold only to positive thoughts. Give thanks to the spirit of life, never argue with yourself or others, and through demonstration you shall know.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Flickering Thoughts

Flickers of thought cascade across our minds like fireflies in a jar. Our mental content is constantly changing and evolving. Thoughts rise and fall like the breath in our lungs, belly, nose and mouth. As we step back and take time to clearly see the process that is taking place much is revealed. Examine these potent flickers, integrate them into our lives, and share them with the world.
Communication is vital, first with our self, and then extending further outward. By connecting directly with our mental content and then communicating our findings to others we transform. It is vital to keep in mind that we are all powerful operators in today’s information age.