Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dissolving Resistance: A Shadow Encounter


Resistance is the enemy of action and comes when the subconscious mind rebels against the conscious mind. This is an interference caused when accomplishing your goals is met with a fight. The heart tells the conscious mind that it wants to do something but then gets caught in a melee.

Another form of resistance is distraction. The mind runs all over the place and can’t focus on the path at hand. The world becomes too much at once. The heart goes aflutter and the things in front of oneself becomes more than one can take. Everything beckons. It is like wanting to watch TV, listen to music, and read all at once. The body gets thrown around in the distraction and the need to produce gets thrown into a tailspin along the way. This is the loss of heart. There is no reason to fear the path as it reveals itself to you. So many of the methods that are available only need to be carried out and the rest takes care of itself.

No terror can trap you more than fighting situations. Go with the flow of experience and don’t get tossed into a nightmare. Let it be and move on. As Suzuki Roshi says die in the moment and then live to die again. Then you have to keep dying over and over. Life is a light that jumps from the page. It is a super-powerful dream with great meaning. We can only remain aware of the truth as it comes into focus, realizing space as a friend and not as an enemy. The enemy is a phantom we create and we can easily get rid of. There is no reason to be at war. The eyes are led by the heart so all we need to do is keep checking in with the heart and the rest will grow through a sense of knowing. As Socrates said, “know thyself.” Don’t worry about understanding all of the texts and rituals of the world, only look deep into your heart and understand the spirit that stands before you. Unearth the shadow that shows itself to you in revelation.

Every hope and hurt is just another springboard to understanding. There is no reason to keep wondering if I am doing it right, as if there is such a thing as doing any of it wrong. The song of the heart grasps the pure sense of being alive. Keep moving forward without a terrible sense of fright about you. Resistance is not something that need be painful. Loosen it up. Shape each moment like a sculpture.


Resistance you have asked me to run away from what I am feeling, stunted my dreams, and turned me away from bettering myself. I have great respect for you even as I wish to overcome your sway. You have nasty teeth, and an ability to wind your claws around my mind and space me out, and stop me in my tracks. I get excited and then become a victim of my own inconsistency. How do you turn me against myself? What are your special skills that give you the ability to punish? Overcoming is an easy enough thing. Maybe I am asking the wrong question and it is not a case of overcoming at all. I ask you to reveal yourself, and tell me what journey you really hold for me. Embracing you once and for all will wind me out of this wound-up shell. The breaking of the cocoon is a step by step movement. Self-discipline and happiness means not being curled in a ball. I take a look at you and know that you are really just another tool for me to use.


I am the being that overrides tension, and relaxes into knowing. I am the cause that finds itself out of a dark tunnel. I am the feeling that transcends pain and longing. Obstacles don’t exist. Words sink deep into knowing seen from beginningless time. The chariot of awakening takes you away from fear without resistance. The embodiment of success and knowing is the true state of being. Stand and take life one step at a time. Don’t feel afraid, let it all go away. Be the fullness of relaxation and joy. See what you want to do and then live it in space. Your own kind words will return back to you with goodness. You are never bound to situations. Get out your angel wings and fly. Don’t be tossed in pain, slapped into a back room hidden. Find true experience and step into the universal. I can only take you as far as you want to go. You are a gift to me as I am to you. You are not afraid. I know because we are one. We integrate with the patterns and mesh on the journey. Shape full acceptance into simple steps. Do what is true and cannot be turned away from. Realize truth and then go there without difficulty. Show yourself as an expression of wholeness, never lost in the silly fear of smallness. Staple your mind, fastened like seatbelts to the safety of absolute knowing. The gaze from the top of the mountain is joyful and immediate. It can’t be fully described. Like it is said we are just fingers pointing at the moon, but we can never fully explain what it is to be the moon. The fullness of experience is locked up inside of that very experience. Shape your existence to conform to the absolute and the relative will take shape of its own accord.

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