Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stepping out of the Shadow Artist's Cocoon

As artists we must not hide in the shadows, but need to step into the light and proclaim ourselves as artists. It is foolish to wait for inspiration and expect genius to arrive at our doorstep without doing the daily work necessary to dance with our muse. Nothing happens when no effort is applied. I liken being an artist to being a king. As an artist you are at the center of a sweeping drama that is begging for you to unfold in the court of reality. As artists I insist that we all take our thrones, sit regally, and survey the world clearly, so that we can begin our dance.

Build it and they will come Julia Cameron tells us in her work centered around removing creative blocks. I accept her invitation and move into the foreground prepared to explore the universe seeking to reveal itself to me.

We are as humans an integral part of nature even if we have removed ourselves from that world in so many ways. Communing with nature doesn’t have to mean moving into the woods, we can engage with nature directly each day. This is our bridge into our souls and it is vital to our well-being. Rudy Rucker begins his Writer’s Toolkit talking about nature and fractals, how we are made up of smaller and smaller components.

Since this is a written piece let me continue to focus on writing, and bring in the elements mentioned in Rucker’s Toolkit. He begins with picking out a title. This is the rallying cry that all of your thoughts circle. This is also the tidbit that people will search for you under so you got to get a title you like and that is original so you don’t get lost in the pack.

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