Monday, June 19, 2006


The best way to begin is to begin badly, to fall straight down the pipe, and into the crapper. This is the way to ultimately succeed. First you must fail, so throw yourself headlong in front of the world with no shame. Dance on fire under the light. Enjoy the brightness, burn baby burn. I like the nightlife, give me some spice.

I could dance in quiet corners by myself buying nothing, peace nor admitting too many distractions. Nobody listens to the memoirs of a tormented sore loser.

Who wants to hear form crappy emotionalism.

Another life rolled out on a stretcher.

Who gives a damn?

Kendra Fowler from the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black preached availabilism so in that vein I begin with the strange case of Ronald Lloyd Spencer.

Somehow he became the Buddha Maitreya and is taking his candy ass onto the scene. He pissed off a bunch of monks when he withdrew his support for them after they refused to agree with his assertion that he is the reincarnation of Christ and Buddha. It seems this charlatan is making false claims across the board. Who can you trust in this rat race game, certainly not yourself, and certainly not me.

Here read something random about him, and think fun:

Recently the name of Kharnang monastery have been associated with the activities of a man named Ronald Spencer pretending to the a living Buddha, and more precisely the reincarnation of all the Holy Masters of the past, from Buddhist lineages but also of other religions! "Ronald Lloyd Spencer, an American man born in 1951, declares that he is Buddha Maitreya emanation. His incarnation lineage begins from Buddha Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha)/Jesus Christ/Buddha Maitreya, Guru Padmasambhava, Jowo Atisha and Je Tsongkhapa. And of course, like any other Buddhist-Christian cults, he said that this is the reappearance of Christ, the Buddha"."His centre is a Soul Therapy Centre. Its centre's literature also states that "He is the Avatar Archangel Michael/Metatron who is the Lord of Shambhala Sanat Kumara and is also known as Melchizedeck the Ancient of Days." "And his name and title are changed time to time: Archangel Michael, Tulku Karma Sonam Phuntsok Rinpoche, Babaji, Tulku Je Tsong Khapa Gyalwa Rinpoche, Lama Dorje Buddha Maitreya Jesus Archangel Michael and last but not the least the American Buddha."

We are talking kicks, let the legacy of foolishness persist. Guard your mind the spirits clutch.

Remember to connect to your heart, always. Keep reconnecting when you fall off track. Free will?

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